Digital Illustration
For this assignment our goals was to illustrate a letterform with something that started with said letterform. U for Undead.
Project Goals: Create a logo for an existing or invented charity.
RepairCare is an invented charity dedicated to researching and
advocating for better healthcare.
An axolotl can heal any wound and even regrow limbs. Because
of this it’s themeatic health Axelots can also. Water is also
ascoiated with a calming and life-giving force. The flowing soft
lines to evoke the feeling of friendliness and trust. The thicks and
thins of the typeface Noto Serif match the thick and thin forms of
the logo.
For this assignment our goals was to illustrate a letterform with something that started with said letterform. U for Undead.
See my theme graphics, logo and expressions for Winnipeg Folk Festival.
Check out my imagined re-design of Little Goat restaurant's website.
For this assignment our goals was to illustrate a letterform with something that started with said letterform. U for Undead.
See my intern work for Stantec: praposal template, internal flyers and a slideshow update.